The Show Me Quality Assurance (SMQA) program is a youth-focused training emphasizing good livestock management practices in the handling and use of animal health products.
This program encourages youth involved in livestock projects to take an active role in the health of their livestock. By completing this program, youth demonstrate their commitment to animal production and producing safe and wholesome food. Completion of this program serves to benefit both the livestock and food industries, by reducing the risk of management-based incidents that could destroy consumer confidence in the food supply.
Objective: Increase the knowledge and awareness of Missouri youth about food quality issues related to animal production.
Who should take SMQA: All 4-H members enrolled in food animal projects (including beef, sheep, swine, dairy cattle, meat and dairy goats, rabbits, and poultry) must complete the appropriate level of the Show Me Quality Assurance (SMQA) certification to be considered 4-H member in good standing in that project.
Additionally, members must complete their SMQA program by June 1 to participate in the Missouri State Fair. Other county good standing guidelines may also apply. Check with your local 4-H youth specialist for current local guidelines.
For more information regarding the program visit, click here.