The theme to this year’s Show Me Grape and Wine Conference is “There is more than just wine in the bottle – let it out”. The end-product of the grape and wine industry or wine is often the only experience some consumers will have with the grape and wine industry. Within that wine bottle is a sense of place and cultural and natural heritage - once uncorked all these come alive. 

Pouring forth Missouri’s grape growing and winemaking cultural heritage as well as our natural heritage to preserve our historical grape biodiversity. Yes – There is more than just wine in the bottle – let it out! T

his year’s conference showcases cutting edge research and extension programs to elevate our grape and wine industry. Focusing on sustainable grape production and practices that elevate wine quality.   

Registration and Pricing:

  • Conference and Symposium registration (March 5, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM March 6, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM), $170.00
  • Great Taste of Missouri Wines (March 5 at 6:00 PM to (9:00 PM), $35.00 
  • Beginner Grape School (March 7, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM), $90.00  

Contact Info: Dean Volenberg,, 573-473-0374   

Partners: Missouri Wines  

Conference information and lodging at conference venue can be found at

Wine and grapes setting on a barrel