Unlock your entrepreneurial potential! 

Are you ready to turn what makes you unique into your greatest asset? 

Join us this summer for NOVA, an entrepreneurial mindset course designed specifically for neurodivergent high school students. Whether you have ADHD, autism, dyslexia, or another form of neurodivergence,  NOVA is here to help you discover how your unique mind can be a powerhouse in the world of entrepreneurship. 

NOVA will help you:

  1. Understand the entrepreneurial mindset: learn the key characteristics and skills that define successful entrepreneurs;
  2. Recognize your personal strengths: identify and leverage your natural talents to carve your entrepreneurial path;
  3. Develop and action plan: create a strategy to further develop your entrepreneurial skills;
  4. Foster innovation: prepare to lead in environments that value creativity and innovation. 

Three options available to attend this course:

  1. St. Louis County: in-person
  2. Maryville: in-person
  3. On-line (open to Missouri students outside of St. Louis and Maryville) 

In-person sites limited to 15 students; on-line limited to 30.  

Cost: Free

Contact: Annette Kendall, kendallan@missouri.edu, 573-882-6556