The Extension Master Gardener program was established in Missouri in 1983 and provides in-depth horticultural training for Missourians who wish to share their knowledge of gardening. The mission of the University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener program is to support MU Extension by providing trained volunteers to assist in public horticulture education.
This course prepares Extension Master Gardeners in topics related to soils, plant nutrition, vegetables, fruits, ornamental woody plants, herbaceous plants, plant propagation, disease and insect control, lawn care, residential landscape, environmental stewardship, and safe use of pest management strategies.
Extension Master Gardener volunteers assist MU Extension by utilizing unbiased research-based information to educate, answer frequently asked gardening questions, teach through demonstration gardens, donate produce, present as speakers' bureaus, and share information. To become trained as an Extension Master Gardener, an individual must attend a 36-hour training and provide 30 hours of volunteer service back to their community.
Held Thursdays 9:30-12:30
February 13– Master Gardener Orientation
February 20-Plants & Their Environment
February 27-Soils & Fertilizers
March 5-Fruit Production
March 12-Plant Health
March 19-Vegetables/herbs
March 27-Woody Ornamentals
April 3-Plant Propagation & In-door Plant Production
April 10-Insects
April 17-Lawn Care
April 24-Herbaceous Ornamentals
May 1–Home Landscaping
Cost: $200.00
Registration online by February 7th
For questions contact:
Jennifer Schutter