The Chronic Pain Self-Management Program is an evidence-based six-week program for individuals living with chronic pain. It is designed to help individuals better manage their symptoms by learning important self-management skills and techniques such as action planning, healthy eating, communicating with their healthcare team and more. Participants receive a Living a Healthy Life book and Moving Easy Program Exercise CD for participating.  

Fee information: This program is offered at no cost, thanks to funding from Aging Best, a Missouri Area Agency on Aging.   

Contact information: Liz Harrison, or 573-445-9792   Sessions: March 17-April 21, 2025, Mondays 12:30-3:00 PM   

Location: Zoom  If you need accommodations because of a disability, contact Liz Harrison at 573-445-9792 or

This class is full. To be entered into a waitlist for future events, call the number listed above.

Most questions are optional and responses are utilized to determine if Area Agency on Aging resources can be used to help you with daily living beyond the class. 

Completion of basic demographics and contact information will activate the process of mailing your course materials to the address you list. 

For the class, we will meet on Zoom. The link will be provided once the registration form required questions and consent are completed.