You are invited to participate in the 3rd Annual Clinton County Small Farm Day to be held in Plattsburg.  Come Learn about Meat Goats and Sheep, Dairy Goats, Plants that Bees and Butterflies Love, Beekeeping, and Backyard Chickens.  Presentations will be scheduled, so participants can come ad go as they wish to learn about the topics that they are interested in.  

Presenters will be MU Extension Field Specialists an local experts.  The Clinton County Master Gardeners will be offering tours of their new horticulture grow barn on site.  

Schedule for the afternoon: 

  • 12:30 p.m. Meat Goats & Sheep - Jim Humphrey, MU Extension Field Specialist in Livestock
  • 1:30 p.m.  Dairy Goats - Margaret Chamas
  • 2:30 p.m.  Plants that Bees and Butterflies Love - Todd Higgins, MU Extension Field  Specialist in Horticulture
  • 3:30 p.m. Beekeeping - Trevor Angle, Lathrop beekeeper.
  • 4:30 p.m.  Backyard Chickens - TBD
  • Grow Barn Tours on site by Master Gardener Rick Tharp will run concurrently with presentations 

Registration is not required but is requested.  

Cost: Free

Sponsored by the Clinton County Extension Council.