Join us for a day of childcare provider trainings and CPR certification!  You have the ability to choose whether to start your day with professional development or CPR and then select the other option for the afternoon. 

  • AM Session : 8am-Noon 
  • PM Session: 1-5pm 

Lunch will be provided, please indicate if you require food  accommodations or preferences.  

Training Topics:

  • Building Strong Families: Communication (2 hours) 
  • Teaching Empathy in the Preschool Classroom (1 hour) 
  • Power of Pretend Play in Preschool Classrooms (1 hour)  
  • CPR Certification 

Fees are being covered by our generous sponsors.

Please pre-pay with Cole County Extension Office (573-634-2824).  

Sponsored by Cole County MU Extension Council and United Way of Central Missouri! 

Childcare provider working with children at a table