As more companies reorganize along horizontal rather than vertical lines, the need emerges for those in non-authoritative positions to encourage action from others to achieve business objectives and manage projects. Cultivating positive influence, cooperation and negotiation skills are essential for anyone who needs to get work done though others. This seminar examines principles, strategies, and techniques essential to influencing through persuasion and negotiation to achieve positive results.
Key Topic Areas
Persuasion Power:
- Gaining credibility in your current role as it pertains to influencing others
- Identify obstacles you face in influencing others
- Achieving credibility
- Develop listening and assertiveness skills vital to the process of influencing
- Clarify your own goals and priorities and those of your potential allies
- Identify the forms of resistance people might have and how to deal with that resistance.
- Know your audience and learn how to read the motivations of others
- Practice working though each step of the influencing process using your own situation as a model.
Negotiating for Action:
- Basic objective and definition for success
- The three secrets to becoming an excellent negotiator
- Characteristics of an excellent negotiator
- Your filter mechanism
- Types of bargaining and when and when not to negotiate
How You Will Benefit:
- Develop influencing as a core competency
- Gain confidence in persuading others to listen and act favorably on your ideas and requests.
- Build support for change up, down, and across
- Achieve consensus from others on projects and change efforts
- Strengthen your ability to build strategic alliances.
Fee per person: $279.00