Older adults commonly fear falling As the No. 1 cause of injuries and death from injury, falls threaten the independence of older adults and often prove costly, as well. A Matter of Balance helps adults 60 years old and up realize that falls — and the fear of falling — are controllable. The program provides information on ways to change your environment to limit risk factors that contribute to falling, and will help you find strength and balance exercises to reduce your chances of falling.
This award-winning program may be for you if you: Are concerned about falls Have fallen in the past Restrict activities because you’re worried about falling Are interested in improving your flexibility, balance and strength Are at least 60 years old, ambulatory and able to problem solve Join us to learn the steps you can take to prevent falls and continue enjoying your favorite activities.
Cost: Free
Contact: Kathy Deeken, kdeeken@missouri.edu, 573- 642-0755
Partner: Aging Best
- Wednesday, 2/19/25 9a-11a
- Wednesday, 2/266/25 9a-11a
- Wednesday, 3/5/25 9a-11a
- Wednesday, 3/12/25 9a-11a
- Wednesday, 3/19/25 9a-11a
- Wednesday, 3/26/25 9a-11a
- Wednesday, 4/2/25 9a-11a
- Wednesday, 4/9/25 9a-11a