Can your “choice salsa” safely

People often ask if it is possible to use their own salsa recipe and can it safely. In the past the best response was: no, use it fresh or freeze it. Now there is a tested, generic recipe that allows for creativity without giving up safety.

Freezing — A quick solution

If you have room in the freezer, freezing produce is a quick solution to beat the conundrums that can come up during a great growing season. Freezing works when:

Winter is citrus season

Discover ways to enjoy citrus fruits during winter, from canning to drying, and explore creative recipes like marmalades and citrus peel treats.

Preserving greens

Greens are excellent sources of vitamin A, calcium, folic acid and fiber. Preserve spinach, collards, kale and other spring greens by freezing, pressure canning or dehydrating them.

Preserving winter squash

Winter squash keeps well for several months in cold storage, but canning and freezing helps us enjoy them any time of year.Because the growing conditions for squash create the perfect environment for surface bacteria, it is necessary to wash the squash thoroughly before taking a knife through the skin. Scrub squash with a vegetable brush under cool running water before cutting and cooking. Do not use soap or detergent.

Nutritional supplements

The use of dietary supplements has grown dramatically over the last decade. How are we supposed to know which supplements to take? Which ones may be a waste of time and money?

Foods for Father’s Day

Neckties may be a popular Father’s Day gift, but wouldn’t it be nice to give Dad the gift of a long, healthy life? In honor of Father’s Day, here are some of the most important foods for protecting men’s health.

Men’s health

It has been well-known for some time now that women enjoy longer life spans than men all around the world. Many studies have examined why and whether men can do anything about it.

Strength training for older adults

As we age, many of us start to worry about our ability to perform everyday tasks like putting groceries away, mowing the yard or sweeping the floor. Muscle mass diminishes with age, contributing to such concerns.

Prevent falls and maintain independence

Each year more than one-third of adults 65 years and older fall. Of these falls, 20 to 30 percent result in injuries that reduce mobility.

Do you know your cholesterol numbers?

It is important to be aware of cholesterol numbers because high cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. There’s no better time than right now to know your numbers.When you get the results of your cholesterol blood test you should know your total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The desirable total cholesterol level is 200 mg/dL or below.

Waist size can be indicator of prediabetes

Even in the 21st century, a tape measure may be quite telling. The past few years have seen the emergence of useful and powerful electronic devices equipped with sophisticated sensors that check our heart rate, blood pressure, steps, etc. These tools help us keep our health in check. The tape measure is not as widely used but it can reveal a lot.

Live like your life depends on it

You can improve your health and prevent or lessen the effects of chronic diseases through diet and exercise. By investing a little time in your health, you can live a longer, healthier life.

Walking is the best medicine

Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (known as the father of Western medicine) once said, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” What a relatively simple and inexpensive “pill to take” to make such a big impact on maintaining and improving our health.

Belly fat is linked to health risks

People with a lot of belly fat are at a higher risk for health problems than people who carry fat in other areas. Some of those health problems include diabetes, some types of cancer, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart disease and dementia.

The gift of time

“The best thing parents can spend on their children is time, not money.” — Anonymous

Happy relationships good for health

Why do healthy relationships matter? Research has shown that there are physical health benefits from healthy relationships and marriages. For instance, married people have longer life expectancies than single people, especially married men.

Balancing the parent role with relationship needs

It’s challenging for new parents to manage their new parenting role and their couple relationship. The joy of having a baby leads to a transition for couples that can strain even the best relationships.

Balancing responsibilities

Do you ever feel as if you are trying to juggle too many items at the same time? Do you care for your kids, go to work, attend school activities, take care of aging parents, help with social events, attend meetings, maintain the car, keep up with the house or apartment, do the shopping, fix the meals and...? The list goes on and on. And when is there time in the day to take care of you?

Drought cuts pasture growth, farmers face culling cow herds

COLUMBIA, Mo. – In dry weather with short pastures, Missouri cow-herd owners face tough culling decisions. One way to match cows’ needs to available grass is to sell cows.Give careful thought to which grass eaters go first, says Eric Bailey, University of Missouri Extension beef nutritionist. Under drought stress, identifying those cows becomes urgent.

Farmers seek forage options as drought cuts grass growth

COLUMBIA. Mo. – Shortage of cattle forage forces some Ozark herd owners to chop trees to feed leaves. That method was used in big droughts of the 1930s and 1950s.Damage comes from more than an intense drought, said Craig Roberts, University of Missouri forage specialist in a weekly teleconference. Regional extension specialists update state staff on current problems.Roberts says forage shortages date from dry weather last fall.

MU Extension, NRCS partner to help farmers convert cropland to pasture

WELLSVILLE, Mo. – Matthew Spiers wants to convert cropland to pastureland for grazing.Through a joint effort by University of Missouri Extension and USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Spiers plans to build a rotational grazing system so he won’t have to rent more pastureland to expand his cattle herd.

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