Pulaski County 4-H clubs
Pulaski County has several 4-H clubs for children ages 8 to 18, as well as Clover Kids clubs for those ages 5-7. To join a 4-H club, contact Bethany Prenger at bprenger@missouri.edu.
Dixon 4-H
- Meets: 1st Monday of every month October-May 5:00 p.m. at the Dixon High School unless otherwise noted
- We have a diverse group of projects but we also have a lot of kids who show animals.
- Club leader: Jonie Wilson
- Contact the club: call or text or message through our Facebook page or Jonie's cell phone: 573-512-2041
- Facebook page: Dixon 4H Club - https://www.facebook.com/dixon4h/
Crocker 4-H
- Meets: 4th Thursday of the month at the Crocker Library community room at 6:00 p.m.
- We are a general club and excited for new members!
- Club leader: Burgandy Nelson
- Contact the club: Crocker4h@gmail.com or 573-528-6396
- Facebook page: Crocker 4-H Club
Ozark Mountain 4-H
- Meets: 2nd Monday of the Month at the Waynesville Public Library at 6:00 p.m.
- Club leader: Bonnie Wilson, 573-528-1721
- Contact the club: through Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/p/Ozark-Mountain-4-H-Club-100067977291669
County-wide Projects: Shooting Sports
Contact: Amy Fisher, Pulaski County 4-H Shooting Sports Coordinator, or 573-842-5556 after 4:00 p.m.
Enrollment for the shooting sports program is October 1st each year. Please call and get on the interest list during the year.
Programs offered:
- Archery: Ages 8-18 years old
- Shotgun: Ages 11-18 years old
- Air Pistol: Ages 8-18 years old
- .22 Pistol: Ages 14-18 years old, with one year of air pistol.
Embryology curriculum
For embryology programs in schools, access the embryology curriculum here.
4-H news and information
Families enrolled in 4-H Online will receive email newsletters about upcoming county events. We also use Facebook, GroupMe or Team Reach, and our website to help keep people informed. Each 4-H member and family are responsible for keeping current on 4-H activities, events, and deadlines. To get on the 4-H Youth News Blast email list, please contact your 4-H youth specialist or the MU Extension Office staff.
About 4-H
4-H brings young people, ages 5 to 18, and adults together to learn everyday skills through hands-on learning. Working on activities from animal and plant sciences to robotics, 4-H’ers learn problem-solving skills that can make a positive impact upon our community. Through 4-H, young people learn to meet the diverse challenges of today’s world, build self-confidence, learn responsibility and make positive decisions.
4-H mission statement
Engaging youth as valued, contributing members of their communities in partnership with caring adults.
4-H is the largest youth-serving organization in the world. Based on your age, you join as a 4-H Member or Clover Kid!
- 4-H Members (ages 8-18) - Youth choose projects to work on in groups or individually, participate in service projects and social outings, and grow leadership & communication skills. Youth can participate competitively in competitions and fairs! Youth can also join the 4-H Council, become a club/council officer, and go to State events!
- Clover Kids (ages 5-7) - engage in fun learning activities to build skills, explore interests, and build confidence, to prepare them for being a full 4-H Member. Clover Kids learn from their older 4-H peers!
In Missouri 4-H we believe in...
- Clearer Thinking by promoting character, maintaining excellence, upholding the mission, and honoring programmatic traditions of 4-H.
- Greater Loyalty by embracing diversity and inclusion while encouraging and supporting innovation and youth leadership.
- Larger Service by encouraging meaningful, positive youth-adult partnerships, community service, and engagement.
- Better Living by supporting youth to become healthy, respectful, and productive members of society.
What can youth do in 4-H?
4-H's mission is to help youth learn skills they can use for the rest of their lives - what we often refer to as life skills. We believe young people learn best by hands-on-learning or learning by doing. In 4-H, your youth will have many opportunities to be actively involved in learning. 4-H Clubs help young people:
- make new friends
- explore topics of interest (or SPARKS)
- develop leadership skills
- share what they learn with others
- make connections to mentors, leaders, and potential employers
4-H uses positive youth development strategies
In 4-H, youth build skills and values, and use their skills, talents, and time in ways that make them feel confident and competent. 4-H Enrollment begins Oct. 1 for the 4-H Program Year! Enroll in 4-H Online today.