Walking is the best medicine

Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (known as the father of Western medicine) once said, “Walking is man’s best medicine.” What a relatively simple and inexpensive “pill to take” to make such a big impact on maintaining and improving our health.

Belly fat is linked to health risks

People with a lot of belly fat are at a higher risk for health problems than people who carry fat in other areas. Some of those health problems include diabetes, some types of cancer, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, heart disease and dementia.

The gift of time

“The best thing parents can spend on their children is time, not money.” — Anonymous

Balancing the parent role with relationship needs

It’s challenging for new parents to manage their new parenting role and their couple relationship. The joy of having a baby leads to a transition for couples that can strain even the best relationships.

Happy relationships good for health

Why do healthy relationships matter? Research has shown that there are physical health benefits from healthy relationships and marriages. For instance, married people have longer life expectancies than single people, especially married men.

Balancing responsibilities

Do you ever feel as if you are trying to juggle too many items at the same time? Do you care for your kids, go to work, attend school activities, take care of aging parents, help with social events, attend meetings, maintain the car, keep up with the house or apartment, do the shopping, fix the meals and...? The list goes on and on. And when is there time in the day to take care of you?

Heatstroke can kill quickly in hot cars

COLUMBIA, Mo. – When the news has another tragic story about a child accidentally left in a hot car, parents might believe they could never make a mistake like that. “It’s not just negligent parents or indifferent caregivers. When juggling the demands of work, parenting and daily life, it’s easier than you might think to make a simple but fatal mistake,” says Karen Funkenbusch, University of Missouri Extension health and safety…

Drought cuts pasture growth, farmers face culling cow herds

COLUMBIA, Mo. – In dry weather with short pastures, Missouri cow-herd owners face tough culling decisions. One way to match cows’ needs to available grass is to sell cows.Give careful thought to which grass eaters go first, says Eric Bailey, University of Missouri Extension beef nutritionist. Under drought stress, identifying those cows becomes urgent.

Master Gardener nurtures school garden that fuels love of food, community

Includes sidebar, “Tips for gardening with children.” ST. LOUIS – A Master Gardener nurtures little minds and mouths at Sacred Heart Villa, a preschool in St. Louis.University of Missouri Master Gardener Margaret Grant teaches preschool students to grow what they eat and eat what they grow. The program is in its second year.

Farmers seek forage options as drought cuts grass growth

COLUMBIA. Mo. – Shortage of cattle forage forces some Ozark herd owners to chop trees to feed leaves. That method was used in big droughts of the 1930s and 1950s.Damage comes from more than an intense drought, said Craig Roberts, University of Missouri forage specialist in a weekly teleconference. Regional extension specialists update state staff on current problems.Roberts says forage shortages date from dry weather last fall.

MU Extension, NRCS partner to help farmers convert cropland to pasture

WELLSVILLE, Mo. – Matthew Spiers wants to convert cropland to pastureland for grazing.Through a joint effort by University of Missouri Extension and USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Spiers plans to build a rotational grazing system so he won’t have to rent more pastureland to expand his cattle herd.

Midway Development Co., Inc. — Columbia

Midway Development Co. might be located in the middle of the country and middle of the state but there’s nothing middling about its work.

Stress reduction for a healthier you

One of the best ways to protect your health is to reduce the unhealthy stress in your life. Research continues to show us that too much stress robs us of sleep, causes us to gain or lose too much weight, causes headaches, etc. Too much stress also destroys emotional ties with the people we live and work with on a daily basis.

PSRI Technologies, LLC – Jefferson City & Chesterfield

PSRI Technologies, can I help you?”“Good morning, PSRI Technologies.”

Becoming more resilient

Life is challenging, we all know that. But many of us wonder why some people seem to have better coping skills. What are the secrets of people who are able to navigate through tough times and bounce back? Dr.

Veterans Worldwide Sales and Services, LLC — Gravois Mills

Q & A with Jaymie Mitchell, contract administrator, Veterans Worldwide Sales & Services, LLC, a full-service, service-disabled veteran owned small business (SDVOSB) general contractor, engineering, landscaping and HVAC firm.

Innovet Electric – Affton

Honesty. Integrity. Service.

Production Products Manufacturing & Sales Co. — St. Louis

(This story originally ran in 2013)

Chronic stress leads to health problems

Our lives can be very stressful, and, if we become accustomed to living with these feelings, we may not even realize how much it is affecting us. Our bodies are designed to respond to stressful situations in order to protect us from danger.

Have you had 15 laughs today?

How many laughs have you had today? Researchers suggest that the average American laugh 15 times or more a day for health maintenance.

Depression: Let’s talk

Chances are you know someone with depression, whether or not you are aware of it. People who are depressed may be at school, at home or in a professional setting, but struggle to share with others the mental anguish they endure. Depression can affect a person’s ability to accomplish everyday tasks, earn a living and take part in relationships with family and friends.

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