Gasconade 4-H newsletters
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Gasconade 4-H clubs
Bay Community 4-H Club meets on the second Sunday of the month at St. Paul Zion UCC Church in Bay. Club leader: Sandy Krimmel.
Bem 4-H Club meets on the second Sunday of the month at St. John's UCC in Bem. Club leader: Melissa Scego; Assistant club leaders: Jackie Gray.
Bourboise 4-H Club meets on the third Sunday of the month at the Exhibit Hall of Memorial Park in Owensville. Club leader: Jennifer Eiler; Assistant club leader: Mandy Henderson.
Double S 4-H Club meets on the second Sunday of the month at Swiss Church Dining Hall. Club leader: Sarah Power; Assistant club leaders: Tricia Theissen and Wendy Noelke.
Drake 4-H Club meets on the first Thursday of the month at St. James Charlotte UCC near Drake. Club leader: Lori Doerr; Assistant leaders: Denise Pohlmann and Amanda Greunke.
Gasconade County 4-H Shooting Sports Club meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Exhibit Hall at Memorial Park in Owensville. Club leader: Amy Roethmeyer; Assistant club leaders: Heather Reed and Shyla Baxter.
Little Berger 4-H Club meets on the second Sunday of the month at the Hermann Administration Building. Club leader: Jessica Hoener; Assistant leader: Joe Fredrick.
Town & Country 4-H Club meets on the second Sunday of the month at the Hermann Administration Building. Club leader: Rhonda Lewis.
Woollam 4-H Club meets on the third Sunday of the month at Woollam Methodist Church. Club leader: Kaylynn Niederer; Assistant club leader: Laura Tuschhoff.
About 4-H
4-H brings young people, ages 5 to 18, and adults together to learn everyday skills through hands-on learning. Working on activities from animal and plant sciences to robotics, 4-H’ers learn problem-solving skills that can make a positive impact upon our community. Through 4-H, young people learn to meet the diverse challenges of today’s world, build self-confidence, learn responsibility and make positive decisions.