The Extension Master Gardener Program is a public service program offered by Missouri University. Franklin County Master Gardeners are volunteers that work to extend the knowledge of the University in cooperation with the Franklin County Extension office. They are a group of highly trained volunteers that teach classes in school gardens, provide advice and education in community gardens, maintain demonstration gardens that illustrate a variety of gardening methods, deliver gardening information to radio stations, and host gardening fairs and seminars for the public.

Master Gardeners help others learn about sustainable gardening methods. They provide reliable and research-based horticultural programming Missouri residents. We are members of the local community that have taken an active interest in their lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers and gardens. They are enthusiastic individuals that are willing to learn and help others and are able to communicate with diverse groups of people.

Any resident with an interest in gardening, novice or expert, may take the Master Gardener Core Course. All you have to do is follow these steps:

  1. Apply to attend the training in a location near you.
  2. Submit and pass the background check.
  3. Complete the Extension Master Gardener core training.
    • Core training is 30 hours of plant education offered in the fall, August through November.
    • Courses are taught by Missouri University faculty, local experts and MU Extension educators.
    • Topics include vegetables, compost and soil, flowers, fruits, turf grass, landscape design, woody landscape plants, plant propagation, integrated pest management, plant diseases and insects.
  4. Volunteer in your community.
    • Complete the 30-hour internship by Dec. 31 of the following year. Volunteer on projects and at events to teach plants in the community.
  5. Stay involved.
    • Master Gardeners can remain active members in following years by attending six or more hours of continuing education and contributing 20 hours or more of volunteer community service.
    • Report your volunteer and continuing education hours online by Dec. 31 of each year.

Master Gardeners moving from other states are evaluated on a case-by-case basis through discussion with the individual, local coordinator, and State Coordinator.

At the heart of the Missouri Master Gardener program is our volunteers. Volunteers assist the University of Missouri Extension Service personnel to extend the educational arm of the university to the public by providing horticultural information based on university research and recommendations.

In other words, the Missouri Master Gardener program is a place for volunteers to have a fun, educational experience while serving the community in which they live while doing what they love.

Master gardeners gardening

Get in-depth horticultural training and join the Master Gardeners in “helping others learn to grow.”

Missouri map with a dogwood flower overlaid on it

Missouri Master Gardeners, use this online system to report your volunteer hours.

garden journal on table with gloves

Put your plans, thoughts and results on paper to help ensure successful gardening.