Severe storms : article
COLUMBIA, Mo.– While security experts and law enforcement personnel are determined to make sure events like the Boston Marathon bombing never happen again, emergency preparedness and personal safety begin with the individual, says a University of Missouri Extension emergency management specialist.
JOPLIN, Mo. – Harold Noirfalise used to curse the big steel box in the garage of his Joplin home. It was there when he and his wife, Brenda, bought the house a couple years ago. The box shared space with a pickup, a car and a workshop where he built radio-controlled model airplanes, making for a…
SEDALIA, Mo.– Megan Webb, nutrition and health education specialist for University of Missouri Extension, advises homeowners and disaster-recovery volunteers to be safe during the cleanup process in this video news story.
BLUE SPRINGS, Mo.– Flooding is a potential threat in many parts of Missouri. And even if your house is not in a flood plain, you may drive through one on your way home.
MARSHFIELD, Mo. – Owners of storm-damaged homes should be wary of out-of-town roofing companies offering their services because of recent tornadoes and hail.Many of these companies offer free roof inspections but leave homeowners still wondering if they have hail damage.
University of Missouri Extension has resources to help you and your family prepare for and recover from disasters.
Households and businesses in southern Missouri affected by severe weather and flooding May 19-27 can apply for federal assistance, says Conne Burnham, University of Missouri Extension emergency management coordinator.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – If your basement sprung a leak during recent intense rainfalls, you’re not alone.
News releases, publications and more.
News releases
MT. VERNON, Mo. –Rural landowners in southwest Missouri have begun cleanup after the severe tornadoes and thunderstorms on May 22. Many agricultural producers are left to also deal with the remains of livestock that were killed during the series of storms that passed through the area.
Related video: How to use a moisture meter,
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Fire and Rescue Training Institute (MU FRTI) curriculum specialist Erin McGruder does more than just write about disaster response.
COLUMBIA, Mo.– Homeowners eager to apply aggressive first aid to storm-damaged trees could be removing trees that might have survived.
Related video: Coping with disaster,, Mo.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – When storms, floods and other disasters leave damaged homes in their path, local contractors often get more business than they can handle. In many cases, out-of-town contractors will arrive in force to pick up the slack.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – March 3-7 is Severe Weather Preparedness Week in Missouri, notes Conne Burnham, University of Missouri Extension emergency management coordinator with the Missouri Extension Disaster Education Network.
Reviewed June 2019LAMAR, Mo. – When the power goes off, there is a simple rule of thumb for saving refrigerated food: The colder the foods, the longer they will keep, said a University of Missouri Extension nutrition specialist.
CARTHAGE, Mo. – People can become victims twice in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
Dishonest businesses, questionable charities and others looking to make a quick buck try to take advantage of both disaster survivors and those wishing to help.
Prepare for Missouri's tornadoes, floods, and late-season winter storms with expert guidance, emergency kits, evacuation routes, and communication plans.
News releases, videos, publications and more.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Floods and severe storms can leave more than just people homeless. Displaced snakes, rodents and other nuisance wildlife often will seek shelter and food in areas close to people, said Bob Pierce, MU Extension fisheries and wildlife specialist.
MARSHFIELD, Mo. — Homeowners and disaster-recovery volunteers who use chain saws should use extreme caution to prevent injuries.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – When the power goes out, the clock starts ticking on the safety of your refrigerated and frozen foods.