Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 45


Tobacco hornworm caterpillars (Manduca sexta), left, and tomato hornworm caterpillars (Manduca quinquemaculata), below, are present from June through September. They produce two or more generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 16


European pine sawfly caterpillars (Neodiprion sertifer) are present in spring and summer. They produce one generation per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 48


Variegated cutworm caterpillars (Peridroma saucia) are present from late spring to early summer. They produce two to four generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden


Caterpillars are some of the most easily observed insects in backyards and gardens. Learn to identify them so you will know what type of butterflies or moths they will turn into.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 19


Gray furcula caterpillars (Furcula cinerea) are present from spring to fall. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 51


Red phase and black phase walnut caterpillars (Datana integerrima) are present from early May to September. They produce one to two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 22


Hackberry emperor caterpillars (Asterocampa celtis) are present from early summer to fall. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 54


Yellow woollybear caterpillars (Spilosoma virginica) are present from spring to fall. They produce two to three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 25


Imperial moth caterpillars (Eacles imperialis) are present from June to August. They produce two generations per year. Common host plants include oaks, sweetgum, maple, hickory, sassafras, elm and sycamore.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 28


Linden looper caterpillars (Erannis tiliaria) are present from late spring to summer. They produce one generation per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 31


Pale tussock moth caterpillars (Halysidota tessellaris) are present from early summer to fall. They produce two generations per year.

Disease-Resistant Apple Cultivars


Michele Warmund
Fruit State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 02


Achemon sphinx caterpillars (Eumorpha achemon) are present from early summer to fall. They produce one to two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 34


Polyphemus moth caterpillars (Antheraea polyphemus) are present from May to October. They produce multiple generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 05


Banded woollybear caterpillars (Pyrrharctia isabella) are present in the spring and from late summer to late fall. They produce one to two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 37


Roseslug caterpillars (Endelomyia aethiops) are present in summer. They produce one generation per year.

Reducing Losses When Feeding Hay to Beef Cattle


Feeding hay to cattle is expensive, mostly due to waste. Learn good management practices to minimize the losses that occur due to poor storage methods, improper feeding methods, or both.

Pelvic Measurements and Calving Difficulty


Although researchers agree that birth weight is the most important measurable trait affecting calving difficulty, there is evidence that the size and shape of the pelvis also affect a heifer’s ability to calve.

Liver Flukes in Missouri: Distribution, Impact on Cattle, Control and Treatment


Cattle operations should evaluate their risk for is Fascioloides magna, also known as the deer fluke or the giant liver fluke. Learn about its distribution in Missouri, its life cycle, treatment and more in this guide.

Enlist Label Compliance: How to Determine Hydrologic Soil Groups


Learn how to use the USDA Web Soil Survey interactive map to determine your field's hydrologic soil group for the soil series on which you plan to apply an Enlist herbicide.

Missouri Farm Labor Guide


Learn good human resource practices related to employee recruitment, hiring, onboarding, training and termination that your farm or agribusiness can use.

Decision-Making Techniques for Community Groups


Reviewed by Sarah Hultine Massengale
Community Economic Development

Johanna Reed Adams, Charles M. St. Clair and William E. Robertson
Department of Community Development

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 36


More than three dozen species of panic grass are commonly found across the Midwest. Seeds are football-shaped and borne on a sprawling, panicle-shaped seed head. The leaves of panic grasses resemble flags along the stem.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 04


American plum can grow as a small tree up to 20 feet high but more commonly occurs in colonies or thickets by sending up root suckers and shoots.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 39


Pigweed leaves are alternate and simple. Small green or tan flowers produce small, round, shiny black seeds. The roots are red when pulled. Depending on the species, pigweed may grow 1 to 8 feet tall.

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