How to Select Lubricating Oil for Farm Engines


Bill Hires
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Engine lubricating oil must perform several functions. It should:

Missouri Limestone Quality: What Is ENM?


Daryl D. Buchholz
Department of Agronomy

Can you get a ton's worth of agricultural limestone out of a ton of agricultural limestone? Probably not. The effectiveness of agricultural limestone depends on two factors:

For the Unprepared: Home Heating in an Emergency


Adapted by MU Extension specialists from material prepared by Cooperative Extension Service, University of New Hampshire, Durham.

Your home heat is gone. You've just discovered your heating system may be off for several days. It's cold outside; the inside temperature is dropping, and you have a first class emergency on your hands. What can you do?

Safe Use, Storage and Disposal of Paint


Paint is a product that most of us have that can become a hazardous waste. Visit our site for our resource on the Safe Use, Storage and Disposal of Paint.

Nitrate and Water


Marshall Christy and George S. Smith
Department of Agronomy

J.R. Brown
School of Natural Resources

How to Measure Trees and Logs


Selling timber without measuring the products is like selling livestock without weighing the animals. Visit our site to learn how to measure trees and logs.

Lagoons for Storage/Treatment of Dairy Waste


Donald L. Pfost and Charles D. Fulhage
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Recommendations for Aging Beef


The main reason for aging beef is to improve the tenderness and the flavor of the meat. Visit our site for recommendations for aging beef.

Earthen Pits (Basins) for Liquid Dairy Waste


Charles D. Fulhage and Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Identifying Product Hazards: Material Safety Data Sheets


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Health Hints for Your Horse


Learn about common ailments and injuries in horses, so you can prevent problems and ride more.

Home Hazardous Product Survey


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Teacher guideHome, safe home?

If any of the products in your home have these warning words on the front label, your house contains potentially hazardous materials:

SWAP Your Waste


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

What Your Home Haz: A Household Hazardous Waste Game


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Teacher guideNot in my home...

Your home and garage may seem safe, but take a look around. If you see any of these types of products, your house may contain potentially hazardous materials:

Moniteau County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Morgan County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Boone County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Ozark County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Howard County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Lafayette County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Lincoln County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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McDonald County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Gasconade County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Lawrence County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Linn County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

Editor’s note
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