Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 17


Fall webworm caterpillars (Hyphantria cunea) are present from spring to fall. They produce two to three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 52


Whitelined sphinx caterpillars (Hyles lineata) are present from spring to early fall. They produce one to two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 20


Green cloverworm caterpillars (Hypena scabra) are present from summer to fall. They produce three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 55


Yellownecked caterpillars (Datana ministra) are present from July to September. They produce one generation per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 23


Hag moths caterpillars (Phobetron pithecium) are present in summer and fall. They produce one generation per year.

Safe Drinking Water in an Emergency


You and your family can survive for several days without food, but only a short time without water. Disasters can often cause us to question the safety of our drinking water. With a little planning and preparation, you can be prepared by having a safe emergency water supply.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 26


Imported cabbageworm caterpillars (Pieris rapae) are present from early spring to summer. They produce multiple generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 29


Monarch caterpillars (Danaus plexippus) are present in summer months. They produce multiple generations per year.

Checking and Disinfecting Flooded Wells


Reviewed by Conne Burnham
Emergency Management Specialist
Fire and Rescue Training Institute

If your well has been flooded, the well and entire water system should be cleaned and disinfected. Floods can contaminate wells with silt, raw sewage, oil and disease organisms.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 32


Parsleyworm caterpillars (Papilio polyxenes) are present from May to October. They produce three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 35


Poplar tentmaker caterpillars (Clostera inclusa) are present from spring to fall. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 03


Armyworm caterpillars (Pseudaletia unipunctata) are present from early summer to fall. They produce three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 38


Silverspotted skipper caterpillars (Epargyreus clarus) are present in summer and fall. They produce two to three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 06


Black cutworm caterpillars (Agrotis ipsilon) are present from late spring to fall. They produce one to three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 41


Spiny oak slug caterpillars (Euclea delphinii) are present in summer and fall. They produce one to two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 09


Cecropia moth caterpillars (Hyalophora cecropia) are present from May to August. They produce one generation per year.

Reducing Losses When Feeding Hay to Beef Cattle


Feeding hay to cattle is expensive, mostly due to waste. Learn good management practices to minimize the losses that occur due to poor storage methods, improper feeding methods, or both.

Pelvic Measurements and Calving Difficulty


Although researchers agree that birth weight is the most important measurable trait affecting calving difficulty, there is evidence that the size and shape of the pelvis also affect a heifer’s ability to calve.

Liver Flukes in Missouri: Distribution, Impact on Cattle, Control and Treatment


Cattle operations should evaluate their risk for is Fascioloides magna, also known as the deer fluke or the giant liver fluke. Learn about its distribution in Missouri, its life cycle, treatment and more in this guide.

Missouri Farm Labor Guide


Learn good human resource practices related to employee recruitment, hiring, onboarding, training and termination that your farm or agribusiness can use.

Enlist Label Compliance: How to Determine Hydrologic Soil Groups


Learn how to use the USDA Web Soil Survey interactive map to determine your field's hydrologic soil group for the soil series on which you plan to apply an Enlist herbicide.

Decision-Making Techniques for Community Groups


Reviewed by Sarah Hultine Massengale
Community Economic Development

Johanna Reed Adams, Charles M. St. Clair and William E. Robertson
Department of Community Development

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 40


Poison ivy is a vine that can grow up to 60 feet high or a low, upright shrub. It has alternate leaves with three oval to lance-shaped leaflets with a pointed tip.The flowers are greenish white and grow in clusters 1 to 4 inches long on new growth of stems.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 08


Mature seed stalks of big bluestem are copper colored and often grow more than 5 feet tall. The clumpy growth of big bluestem allows room for other plants to exist and provides excellent habitat structure for nesting and roosting

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 11


Often found in disturbed areas, crab grass tends to indicate early successional vegetation, and thus good quail habitat. However, late spring disturbance may result in a crab grass response heavy enough to displace other beneficial or desired plants.

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