Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 13


XII. Budgets and the Budget Process Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. Budget rules

Not a single cent of public money can be spent until a budget has been formally adopted following procedures set out in the statutes (67.010).

Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 16


XV. Nepotism: Appointing Relatives Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. The constitutional provision

The Missouri Constitution, in Article VII, Section 6, is direct and to the point.

Rules for Missouri Fourth-Class Cities - Page 19


XVIII. Elections Parenthetical numbers in the text refer to sections of the current Revised Statutes of Missouri, abbreviated as RSMo. When elections are held

City elections are held on general municipal election day. This is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in April (115.121). Elections are held annually.

Management of Glyphosate-Resistant Waterhemp in Corn and Soybean


Kevin Bradley
MU extension weed scientistReid Smeda
MU weed scientistRaymond Massey

Vegetable Gardening

New $10

Vegetable gardening is a rewarding activity that can provide fresh, flavorful produce. It also offers the benefits of exercise, fresh air and landscape beautification. Learn to grow your own vegetables so you can eat fresh and save on groceries.

Wood Preservation (Category 11)

New $15

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

James Pastoret
School of Natural Resources

Your Child’s Health and BMI


Body Mass Index (BMI), a ratio of an individual’s height and weight, is used as a screening tool to identify possible health risks such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma. Learn how to keep your child’s BMI within a healthy range.

Herbaceous Ornamentals

New $10

Chapter 9 of the Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual

Mary Kroening
Division of Plant Sciences

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees, Page 09


Golden-rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata)

Phosphorus Management for Drill-Seeded Rice


David Dunn
Soil Testing Laboratory
MU Delta Research Center

Gene Stevens
Plant Sciences
Delta Research Center

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 12


Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Large trees

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 15


Norway maple (Acer platanoides) Large trees

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees


Learn how to select the perfect shade trees for your midwest yard or landscape. Don't waste years on a bad landscape!

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 18


Red oak (Quercus borealis) Large trees Maximum height
70 feet Relative growth rate
Good Freedom from insect pests
Good Freedom from disease problems
Good Resistance to storm damage
Excellent Will grow on poorly drained soil

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 21


Silver maple (Acer saccharinum) Large trees

Corn Diseases


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 24


Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) Large trees


Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 27


White ash (Fraxinus americana) Large trees


Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees, Page 04


Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum)

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees, Page 07


English oak (Quercus robur)

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees, Page 10


Green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 13


Japanese pagoda tree (Sophora japonica) Medium-sized trees


Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 16


Pin oak (Quercus palustris) Large trees


Low-Maintenance Landscaping


All landscapes require some maintenance, but homeowners can install a low-maintenance landscape by planning around the design considerations of simplicity, size, plant arrangement, turf alternatives, hardscape features and mulch. Get the details in this U

Selecting Landscape Plants: Shade Trees - Page 19


River birch (Betula nigra) Medium-sized trees

Displaying 1926 - 1950 of 2472