Elderberry Insect and Disease Management
This guide is the first known spray schedule to be developed for insect and disease control for field-grown elderberry in Missouri. Pesticide products labeled for greenhouse or high-tunnel-grown plants differ from those labeled for field-grown plants. Thus, product labels listed to control pests in this guide must be checked to determine if they may be applied legally when applied to elderberry grown under protected culture. Efficacy ratings for products are not listed in this guide as not all products have been tested at the University of Missouri.
Soil Nitrogen Test Information Form
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Adventures in Nutrition With the Show Me Chef — Newsletter for Kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 6: Dairy (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Exploring the Food Groups — Newsletter for Fifth Grade Curriculum Lesson 9: Snacks (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Lets Read About Healthy Eating — Newsletter for Pre-kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 2: Breads (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Let's Read About Healthy Eating — Newsletter for Pre-kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 1: Hand Washing (Bundle of 25)
Revised $12
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Building MyBody — Newsletter for Third Grade Curriculum Lesson 1: Getting to know MyPlate (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Let's Read About Healthy Eating — Newsletter for Pre-kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 7: MyPlate (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Building MyBody — Newsletter for Third Grade Curriculum Lesson 3: Fat (Bundle of 25)
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Let's Read About Healthy Eating — Newsletter for Pre-kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 10: Dental Health (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Building MyBody — Newsletter for Third Grade Curriculum Lesson 6: Body Cues (Bundle of 25)
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Choosing Foods for Me — Newsletter for Fourth Grade Curriculum Lesson 2: Dairy and Protein (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Fun With Food and Fitness — Newsletter for First Grade Curriculum Lesson 8: Food Groups (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Choosing Foods for Me — Newsletter for Fourth Grade Curriculum Lesson 5: The Nutrition Facts Label (Bundle of 25)
Revised $12
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Adventures in Nutrition With the Show Me Chef — Newsletter for Kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 7: Protein (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Food Group Express — Newsletter for Second Grade Curriculum Lesson 3: Vegetables (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Choosing Foods for Me — Newsletter for Fourth Grade Curriculum Lesson 8: Food Safety (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Adventures in Nutrition With the Show Me Chef — Newsletter for Kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 8: Adventures in Healthy Eating (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Food Group Express — Newsletter for Second Grade Curriculum Lesson 6: Protein (Bundle of 25)
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Exploring the Food Groups — Newsletter for Fifth Grade Curriculum Lesson 1: Nutrients (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Exploring the Food Groups — Newsletter for Fifth Grade Curriculum Lesson 4: Breakfast (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Exploring the Food Groups — Newsletter for Fifth Grade Curriculum Lesson 7: Calcium (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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Restricted-Use Pesticide Record-Keeping Form
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Exploring the Food Groups — Newsletter for Fifth Grade Curriculum Lesson 10: Why We Eat (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
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