Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 18
Learn about Old World bluestems, such as Caucasian bluestem, their characteristics, adaptation, and management practices for optimal forage production.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 32
The publication offers guidance on selecting the right forage for dairy grazing, including various types of grass and their yield, quality, and persistence.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 21
Switchgrass is a hardy, warm-season grass ideal for pastures and hay. It thrives in Missouri soils and provides quality grazing when managed properly.

Big Bluestem, Indiangrass and Switchgrass
Big Bluestem, Indiangrass and Switchgrass have been reintroduced successfully across Missouri. Visit our website today to learn more.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 24
Annual lespedeza is a pasture legume providing high-quality forage in midsummer, thriving on infertile soils, and not causing bloat in cattle.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 27
Learn about Hairy Vetch, a winter annual legume used for spring pasture and silage. Discover its growth habits, benefits, and best practices for grazing.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 30
White clover is a legume suitable for cool, moist climates, providing high-quality forage for livestock. It may require careful grazing management.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 04
Learn optimal orchardgrass management for dairy grazing, including growth habits, fertilization, and seasonal guidelines, to maximize forage yield and quality.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 07
Reed canarygrass is a drought-tolerant, rhizomatous grass that grows well in wet soils and provides high-quality forage early in the season.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 10
Discover the benefits and challenges of tall fescue as a forage option, including growth habits, nutritional value, and management tips for livestock grazing.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 13
Big bluestem is a drought-resistant perennial grass ideal for grazing and hay production, thriving in Missouri soils with excellent forage and wildlife value.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 19
Pearlmillet is a drought-tolerant, high-yield grass perfect for grazing and hay production, thriving in acidic soils and warm summer conditions.

Grafting is the act of joining two plants together and is a way to change a large tree from an old to a new variety. Visit our site to learn more.

Budding is a method of grafting in which the scion (upper portion of the graft) is a single bud rather than a piece of stem or twig. Many of the same conditions and materials used for other forms of grafting also apply to budding

Growing Black Walnut for Nut Production: Orchard Establishment and Early Management
Eastern black walnut trees (Juglans nigra) produce high-valued hardwood products and distinctively flavored, highly nutritious, edible kernels.

Gardening in the Shade, Page 04
Explore shade-tolerant evergreens like American holly, Canada hemlock, and Japanese holly, ideal for adding year-round interest to your shaded garden.

Gardening in the Shade, Page 07
Discover shade-tolerant perennials like astilbe, hosta, and bleedingheart to enhance your garden's beauty. Learn how spring-flowering bulbs thrive under trees.

Burgundy Black Truffle Cultivation in an Agroforestry Practice
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is intended for distribution as a downloadable PDF.

Gardening in the Shade
Many gardeners view shade as a challenging situation for growing plants. While some plants do not grow well in low light, numerous others thrive under these conditions. The key is to discover which ones are adapted to the conditions in your yard or garden.

Growing Black Walnut for Nut Production: Bearing Years Management
Once your black walnut orchard is established and begins bearing, the goals for caring and maintaining the orchard will evolve as the trees continue to mature and yields increase. This guide outlines the steps and operations required to care for bearing and mature black walnut orchards.

Gardening in the Shade, Page 02
Learn about these shade-tolerant annual flowers: Ageratum, Flossflower; Begonia, tuberous; Begonia, wax leaf; Browallia; Coleus; Flowering tobacco; Foxglove; Impatiens; Lobelia; Pansy; and Wishbone flower.

Potential Diseases and Parasites of White-tailed Deer in Missouri
White-tailed deer are susceptible to a variety of issues. Visit our site to learn about Potential Diseases and Parasites of White-tailed Deer in Missouri.

Gardening in the Shade, Page 05
Learn about these shade-tolerant grasses: Bottlebrush grass; Hakonegrass; Maiden grass, Silver grass; Sedge; Soft rush; Tufted hairgrass; and Woodrush.

Gardening in the Shade, Page 08
Learn about these shade-tolerant understory trees: American hophornbeam, Ironwood; American hornbeam, Blue beech, Ironwood; Carolina silverbell; Flowering dogwood; Kousa dogwood; Ohio buckeye; Pagoda dogwood; Serviceberry, Juneberry; and Sourwood, Lily-of-the-Valley Tree.