
Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 09


Several briar species grow tall canes that form large thickets of dense, prickly cover. The briars exhibit numerous five-petaled white flowers from April through June.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 12


Croton produces abundant seeds and is a common summer weed in pastures and other disturbed areas. A dense covering of white hairs gives croton flowers a fuzzy white appearance.

Cover art for publication G9484

Aging a Deer by Examining Its Jawbone


Managing the age structure of bucks is considered very important for improving the quality of the deer herd. Visit our site to learn about aging a deer.

Roundhead lespedeza.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 44


Roundhead lespedeza has reddish-brown, rounded seed heads. Leaflets are elongated and occur in sets of three. In summer, the underside of the leaf is silvery. Mature plants commonly attain a height of 3 feet and may grow as tall as 6 feet.

Cover art for publication G9444

Bait Stations for Controlling Rats and Mice


Using bait stations to control rats and mice can be more effective and safe than using poison. Visit our website today to learn more.

Cover art for publication G9447

Controlling Nuisance Blackbirds in Roosts


Robert A. Pierce II
Extension Fisheries and Wildlife Specialist

Robert Byrd
Wildlife Biologist
USDA APHIS–Wildlife Services

Common elderberry.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 15


Common elderberry is a shrub that grows to 8 feet tall and forms dense colonies from root sprouts. The tops are multibranched, bearing opposite, pinnately compound leaves 4 to 12 inches long. Lance-shaped leaflets are 2 to 6 inches long, 1 to 2 inches wide and sharply toothed.

Sideoats grama.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 47


Sideoats grama has fine leaves and widely spaced fine hairs along the leaf edge, especially near the collar. Most sideoats plants are 18-24 inches tall at maturity. It has a unique, oatlike seed that droops slightly off one side of the stalk.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 18


Most of the foxtails found in the Midwest are native to Europe and Asia. They are annual plants generally considered to be weeds. The seed head has the bushy form of a fox's tail. Height at maturity varies by species, but is generally 1-3 feet.

Cover art for publication G9490

Managing for White-tailed Deer in Missouri: Establishing a Wildlife Management Cooperative


White-tailed deer management

This deer conservation guide is one in a series developed jointly by MU Extension and the Missouri Department of Conservation.

Smooth sumac.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 50


Winged, smooth and staghorn sumac have single stems and a broad reaching canopy of pinnately compound leaves. Fragrant sumac has three leaves resembling poison ivy but with more serrated margins. The leaves of all species often turn a brilliant red in autumn.

Wild grapes.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 21


Wild grapes are vines capable of climbing to 75 feet or more by means of tendrils. Leaves are alternate, simple and heart-shaped (Vitis) to triangular (Ampelopsis). Flowers bloom from mid to late spring, and globe-shaped fruits are borne in drooping clusters from late summer through fall.

Three-seeded mercury.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 53


Three-seeded mercury is characterized by longitudinally folded, lobed, leaflike bracts that persist throughout the growing season. The seeds are small, egg-shaped and dark brown to light gray or tan.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 24


Hazelnut is a thicket-forming, spreading shrub that can vary in height from 3 to 10 feet. Its leaves are egg-shaped to oval, doubly serrated with five to eight veins on each side of the central vein. Fruits occur in clusters of two to six.

Bluish black mature viburnum fruit.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 56


Viburnum grows as shrubs or small trees with branching crowns. Flowers are borne in dense, flat-topped panicles that produce many red to bluish black, berrylike fruits in fall. The leaves are opposite and turn brilliant shades of deep rose-purple to rose-red or bright red in fall.

Indian grass.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 27


Indian grass is a tall, warm-season nativethat averages 4 to 6 feet in height at maturity. Stems are stiff, and leaves are long and narrow. A characteristic of the plant is the notched ligule, suggesting the rear sight of a rifle.

A bobwhite quail.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 59



The authors gratefully acknowledge the following individuals and groups for their constructive review of this publication: Steve Clubine, Elsa Gallagher, Emily Horner, Lee Hughes, Aaron Jeffries, Matt Seek, Tim Smith, Bill White, and members of the Missouri Quail and Grassland Bird Technical Committee.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 30


Annual lespedeza and Korean lespedeza exhibit many similarities in growth form, occurring as semierect herbaceous plants with three-lobed leaves and reddish-purple to white flowers. Lower leaves are spreading while upper leaves stand erect.

Oak tree.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 33


Oaks are long-lived trees that produce a seasonally important food for dozens of wildlife species. Their distinctive leaves and bark are identifying features.

Panic grass.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 36


More than three dozen species of panic grass are commonly found across the Midwest. Seeds are football-shaped and borne on a sprawling, panicle-shaped seed head. The leaves of panic grasses resemble flags along the stem.

American plum tree with fruit.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 04


American plum can grow as a small tree up to 20 feet high but more commonly occurs in colonies or thickets by sending up root suckers and shoots.

Cover art for publication CM350

Writing Features


Reviewed by Katherine Foran
Extension Communications and Marketing

Joseph J. Marks
Extension and Agricultural Information

Good feature writers are imaginative, curious, nosey, attentive, unconventional, witty, and usually are not above "borrowing" a good writing idea from someone else.

Publication cover.

Controlling Voles in Horticulture Plantings and Orchards in Missouri


Three species of voles occur in the state: the pine or woodland vole (Microtus pinetorum), the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) and the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogatser). Voles are small, weighing 1 to 2 ounces as adults.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 39


Pigweed leaves are alternate and simple. Small green or tan flowers produce small, round, shiny black seeds. The roots are red when pulled. Depending on the species, pigweed may grow 1 to 8 feet tall.

Bidens flower.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 07


Bidens is most often found in moist areas. It has yellow flowers that are 1 to 1.5 inches.

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