How to Protect Yourself From Respiratory Hazards


David E. Baker, Brooke Ballenger and Rusty Lee
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Sorghum Aphid Pest Management


Ralph E. Munson
Department of Entomology

James A. Schaffer
Department of Agronomy

Einar W. Palm
Department of Plant Pathology

Pruning Forest Trees


Carol B. Trokey and E.A. McGinnes Jr.
School of Natural Resources

Pruning trees in the yard and in the forest can yield many benefits — if it is done correctly.

In a woodland or plantation, pruning helps maintain a central leader, repairs storm damage, or improves the chances of a clear bole to produce a higher grade of lumber or veneer.

What Are Our Community’s Housing Needs?


Lelland L. Gallup
Department of Environmental Design

Maintaining Grassed Waterways


Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Larry Caldwell
USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Red Clover


Red clover is the most widely grown of all the true clovers. Visit our website today to learn more about red clovers.

Potential for Retail Trades in Rural Communities


Jay Simon and Curtis Braschler
Department of Agricultural Economics

John A. Kuehn
U.S. Department of Agriculture

John Croll
Department of Community Development

Design Criteria for Formless Concrete Flumes


James Steichen
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Editor’s note
The PDF version of this publication includes illustrations.

Earthen Pits (Basins) for Liquid Dairy Waste


Charles D. Fulhage and Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Identifying Product Hazards: Material Safety Data Sheets


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Health Hints for Your Horse


Learn about common ailments and injuries in horses, so you can prevent problems and ride more.

SWAP Your Waste


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

What Your Home Haz: A Household Hazardous Waste Game


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Teacher guideNot in my home...

Your home and garage may seem safe, but take a look around. If you see any of these types of products, your house may contain potentially hazardous materials:

Home Hazardous Product Survey


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Teacher guideHome, safe home?

If any of the products in your home have these warning words on the front label, your house contains potentially hazardous materials:

Lawrence County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Linn County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Macon County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Dade County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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St. Louis County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Montgomery County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Newton County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Osage County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Wayne County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Laclede County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

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Lewis County Courthouse


Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.

Editor’s note
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