A garden in bloom.

Master Gardener training could be for you if you …

  • Enjoy planting and watching things grow
  • Feel best when you have dirt under your fingernails
  • Like to share knowledge with people in your community

Choose to learn either online or in person.


Online Master Gardener training

Missouri Master Gardener Online Core Training lasts 14 weeks and includes online presentations and a weekly discussion forum. Online training is offered twice a year, beginning in January and August.

You will need a copy of the Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual to participate in the course. You can order a coil-bound copy, view the manual online, or download the individual chapters to print.

In-person Master Gardener training

Face-to-face and combination Master Gardener trainings last 30 hours and are offered across the state at various times throughout the year. Combination training consists of some virtual and some in-person meetings.

You will need a copy of the Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual to participate in the course. You can order a coil-bound copy, view the manual online, or download the individual chapters to print.

Check Events for currently scheduled face-to-face and combination Master Gardener training. This list also contains other training for Master Gardeners, so ensure an event is the core training before registering.

Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual cover.
Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual

The core manual contains 13 detailed guides on a variety of horticultural topics and one on program policies.

The individual chapters are available for online viewing and downloading. The printed manual is coil bound. Get yours today.

Watch this short video about the Extension Master Gardener program to learn more