Protect yourself from heat stress in the garden

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Gardeners love to garden, but don’t overdo it on hot summer days. During extreme heat, the best time to do garden tasks is early in the morning, said Donna Aufdenberg, University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialist. The second-best time is in the late evening.

New online Master Gardener training begins Aug. 11

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Gardening is an activity with many rewards, said David Trinklein, state horticulture specialist for University of Missouri Extension. “One of them is the satisfaction of sharing your plant knowledge with others,” Trinklein said. The MU Extension Master Gardener program was designed to do just that. “Its motto, ‘helping others learn to grow,’ emphasizes service to others as the program’s main objective,” said Trinklein.

Early June peas

COLUMBIA, Mo. – No other vegetable is as closely associated with a month of the year as is garden pea, and few things match the gastronomic appeal of fresh peas from the garden. The term “early June peas” often appears on labels to indicate they are young and still have a high sugar content, said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein. Peas are sweetest when they mature in cool weather, before too much of the…

Peony: A Memorial Day tradition

COLUMBIA, Mo. – In the 1800s, peonies were one of the few flowers in bloom in late May. After the Civil War, mourners used peonies to adorn the graves of fallen soldiers on Decoration Day, which we now call Memorial Day. The huge, lavish blooms emit a luscious floral perfume that continues to make them one of America’s most treasured garden flowers, said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein.

Horticulturists tour tulips of the Netherlands

Some University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialists recently traveled to the Netherlands to experience the height of the tulip season. The specialists toured the vast Keukenhof botanical garden in Lisse, Netherlands, where about 7 million tulip bulbs are planted each year.

In thymes of old, Rosemary used lavender to freshen the air

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Long before plug-in air fresheners and scented candles, people used plants to make their homes more livable by masking unpleasant odors.

Care of spring bulbs after flowering

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Right after daffodils, tulips and hyacinths have spent their last flowers, many homeowners mow the plants down. That’s a bad idea if you want them to keep flowering year after year. Spring-flowering bulbs need to photosynthesize and produce food in order for the bulbs to enlarge and set the stage for the following year. For that, leaves are needed.

Truman gardens still bloom with beauty thanks to Master Gardeners

INDEPENDENCE, Mo. – It’s only fitting that the peonies at the President Harry S Truman National Historic Site in Independence should be in full bud on his May 8 birthday. Peonies still line fragrant walkways to the carriage house at the home of the 33rd president of the United States, just as they did when Harry and Bess Truman lived there.

Missouri Master Gardeners volunteer to teach others their passion

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – During this National Volunteer Week, University of Missouri Extension horticulturist Tamra Reall notes that volunteers across the state are the backbone of the Missouri Master Gardener Extension Program. “They are such an important part of our extension mission and are ambassadors for sharing research-based information with our communities,” Reall says.

Warrensburg Adventure Club provides stability, support and a sense of belonging

Within the community of Warrensburg, Missouri, lies a sanctuary for young minds – the Warrensburg R6 Adventure Club. Led by the passionate and seasoned advocate for child enrichment, Casey Conklin, this program has blossomed into a haven where every child, regardless of economic background, finds a place to thrive.

Hosta steps out of the shadows in 2024

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Perhaps no plant brightens a shady area more than hosta, said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein. The hardy perennial that thrives in shade is low-maintenance and easy to grow.

Lily: More than just an Easter plant

COLUMBIA, Mo. – If you mention the word “lily” to most people, they’ll think of the Easter lily. Although an attractive potted plant, that pure white beauty struggles somewhat in Missouri’s climate if planted outdoors, said David Trinklein, state horticulture specialist for University of Missouri Extension.

Plant these 'Fab 4' for flowers galore

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein says it is time to plant some bulbs indoors for later enjoyment outdoors.

Master Gardener works to help prevent diabetes through fresh food

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener Toni Gatlin can’t change genetics, but she hopes to change the eating habits of children to help prevent diabetes. About 37 million Americans – around 11% of the U.S. population – have diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health problems linked to diabetes affect the eyes, kidneys, heart and nerves, says MU Extension health and safety…

Companion planting: Positive partnerships that produce more

CARROLLTON, Mo. – Some things just go together like biscuits and gravy or peanut butter and jelly. Likewise, plants have companions that produce best when planted side by side, says Kathi Mecham, a University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialist in Carroll County. With gardening season ahead, Mecham suggests considering how plants can benefit each other. Plan so that “function and beauty” go hand in hand, she says.

MU Master Gardeners 'Dreams' team grows love of gardening, education

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City and Master Naturalists use gardening to teach students to grow healthy food and dream big. The Extension Master Gardener group, called Urban Green Dreams, works with Kansas City youths using Eating From the Garden, a research-based MU Extension program for fourth and fifth grade students.

Don't trash the ashes

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The phrase “waste not, want not” goes back to a time when the essentials of life were difficult to obtain, but it continues to be good advice today, says University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein. It applies even to ashes produced this time of the year by wood-burning fireplaces and stoves. “When collected and spread on the garden, wood ashes are an excellent and free source of calcium and other…

Tuesday Tip videos bring gardening tips alive

BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. – Dedicated volunteers from Extension Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City create the Tuesday Tip series of short videos designed to educate and entertain those interested in gardening.

Give Valentine's Day flowers some TLC for extended enjoyment

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Valentine’s Day flowers will last longer if kept watered and fed, said University of Missouri horticulturist David Trinklein. Trinklein’s tips and homemade preservative recipe provide an extended warranty of sorts to make certain flowers last up to twice their normal lifespan.

African violets help chase away winter blues

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Just in time to brighten the dull, dreary days of winter, the National Garden Bureau has named African violet as its houseplant of the year for 2024. The choice is an excellent one, says University of Missouri Extension state horticulture specialist David Trinklein. African violets thrive in most interior settings, provide nearly continuous color and are inexpensive.

A flood of support

ST. PETERS, Mo. – From flood-ravaged fields to productive gardens, University of Missouri Extension Master Gardeners in St. Charles County show how volunteers help communities flourish.

Engineering firm volunteers at KC urban garden maintained by MU Extension Master Gardeners

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Food and hope for the hungry are growing in the heart of downtown Kansas City. Since 2016, professionals from Dialectic Engineering have grown fruit and vegetables on a once-vacant city block. Produce goes to After the Harvest for use at a nearby community kitchen run by Nourish KC, a group that fights food insecurity.

Turn up the flavor and nutrition by planting turnips

COLUMBIA, Mo. – You may not be able to squeeze blood from a turnip, but you can easily grow this tasty and nutritious vegetable.“Turnip is an underappreciated and underused fall vegetable crop,” said David Trinklein, horticulture state specialist for University of Missouri Extension.Plant turnip seed in late summer

Rotten tomatoes star in garden horror show

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Your beautiful tomato plant is setting fruit and soon has nice green tomatoes. Then, to your horror, a dark sunken spot shows up at the bottom of the fruit.You might think an insect or disease has attacked your plant, but such is not the case. Old-timers referred to the problem as “sooty snoot.” Today, it is called blossom-end rot. It is a physiological disorder caused by a calcium imbalance.

Gardens: Fast food for hungry critters

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Cute critters by day, gardeners’ worst enemies by night.Most gardeners know the frustration of having a beautiful garden decimated by wildlife, said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein.