Harvesting hay late reduces quality
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Rain-delayed haymaking leads to poor-quality feed for livestock next winter. Supplemental feed will be needed to make balanced rations, says University of Missouri Extension forage specialist Rob Kallenbach.A hay test makes the first step in learning how much supplement will be needed, Kallenbach told MU regional agronomists in a weekly teleconference.
Farm liability insurance: Do you have enough coverage?
BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. — Farm owners should periodically review the coverage limits on their liability insurance, says a University of Missouri Extension agriculture business specialist.
Plan now for fall forage
BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. — It wasn’t the best of springs for baling hay. “Stockpiling fall forage can stretch your hay supply by delaying how early you start feeding hay, plus reduce your harvesting costs,” says Pat Miller, University of Missouri Extension agronomy specialist. “Think of it as letting the cows do their own harvesting,” she says.“Fall fescue pastures have excellent forage quality, running 15 to 18 percent protein.”

Brown cool-season grass not necessarily a sign of disease
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Lawns around the Show-Me State are starting to turn brown.
Farm business plans improve efficiency and profitability
EDINA, Mo.– Like any other business, a farm is more likely to succeed with a written business plan. “A business plan can serve as a road map for your business,” says Karisha Devlin, a University of Missouri Extension agriculture business specialist in Knox County. “You are defining what your goals and objectives are,” Devlin says. “You are saying who, what, when and where as far as what you produce, how you are going to market it,…

Review grain bin safety rules before harvest
COLUMBIA, Mo. –University of Missouri Extension rural safety and health specialist Karen Funkenbusch said now is a good time to review safety precautions for grain bins with farm workers and family members.
Getting stuck can bog down safety
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Look in the back of any farm pickup and you’re likely to see a set of rusty log chains that will come in handy when a friend or neighbor gets stuck in a ditch or a field.But without proper precautions, those handy chains can be deadly, says University of Missouri Extension rural safety and health specialist Karen Funkenbusch.

MU student helps develop agriculture in Mozambique
COLUMBIA, Mo.– Breanne Brammer’s summer vacation was different from that of most college students. Brammer, a senior in the University of Missouri’s College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, was an agricultural development intern in Mozambique.During her time in Mozambique, Brammer worked with an organization called Orphans Unlimited on agricultural projects to benefit an orphanage and nearby villages in the African bush.

Inexpensive fall centerpieces bloom with beauty
COLUMBIA, Mo. –Look no further than your back yard for inexpensive fall centerpieces. That’s the advice from Kim Martin, manager of Tiger Garden, the student-run floral shop on the University of Missouri campus. The shop celebrated its grand re-opening recently with special events and workshops. Interesting looking weeds, vines, leaves and plants can make attractive and economical arrangements for a fraction of retail costs, Martin…

Extension program plants seeds of hope
HARRISONVILLE, Mo. – Two years ago, Marcy Weber had lost custody of her children and was homeless, unemployed and in trouble with the law because of a drinking and drug problem that began at age 10. Today, she and her children live in a home she bought. She owns a car, works full time, is drug- and alcohol-free, and has hope, thanks in part to the cooperative efforts of University of Missouri Extension, the Cass County Drug…
Simple steps to cut energy costs in livestock facilities
COLUMBIA, Mo.– With a few simple steps, farmers with heated livestock buildings might be able to cut their energy expenditures substantially at little or no cost. The biggest loss of energy is through the ventilation system, says University of Missouri Extension energy specialist Don Day. “We need a certain amount of ventilation to keep humidity and odors down, but if we overventilate with fans running when heaters are on, there is a…
Livestock lease agreements a new option
MEXICO, Mo. - Older farmers and young farmers strapped for capital are teaming up in increasing numbers to form livestock lease alliances.“Leasing land is common. Why not cattle?” said University of Missouri Extension agribusiness specialist Mary Sobba.Young producers who may not have adequate finances are working with ready-to-retire producers to share income and profits on cattle by sharing land, machinery, breeding stock, labor,…
Livestock insurance can protect against price losses
COLUMBIA, Mo.–While crop insurance has been popular for a long time, producers have largely overlooked similar safety nets for livestock. But that may be changing, says a University of Missouri Extension agriculture economist.Two forms of livestock insurance have been available for a number of years through the USDA Risk Management Agency, said Ray Massey at the recent 2013 Missouri Swine Institute in Columbia.
Turkeys: Great for dinner but not very bright
COLUMBIA, Mo. - It is said that turkeys are so stupid that they’ll look up when it rains and drown. Well, they’re not quite that stupid, but pretty darn close. The domesticated turkey will panic at the least little thing.
Hay baled late needs supplements, but test first, says MU beef nutritionist
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Temperatures drop, sunshine dims and pastures stop growing. That’s when cow nutrition becomes critical, says Justin Sexten, University of Missouri Extension beef nutritionist.More hay was baled in 2013 than in the drought of 2012. But quantity doesn’t equal quality. Much of the hay may not contain enough nutrients.

Mistletoe: A dangerous holiday decoration
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Use it to steal a kiss, but keep it away from children, pets and yourself. Every part of mistletoe, an evergreen plant with white berries, is highly toxic.

White Christmas not always a dream come true in Missouri
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? If you live in Missouri, you might need to adjust your expectations.The official definition of a white Christmas is an inch or more of snow on the ground on Christmas Day, said Pat Guinan, climatologist for University of Missouri Extension’s Commercial Agriculture Program.

Care of the wild
KANSAS CITY, Mo.– Sometimes visitors at the Kansas City Zoo warn Kelsey Goens that there are kangaroos on the loose. She reassures them that no marsupials have escaped. Two dozen or so kangaroos roam the zoo’s Australia section at will during the day.
Right seeding rate can boost yield
COLUMBIA, Mo.– When it comes to corn seeding rates, sometimes less is more.Planting more seeds per acre in an effort to maximize yields won’t always maximize your return on investment, says Brent Myers, University of Missouri Extension corn specialist.The drought of 2012 and 2013’s roller-coaster weather showed that planting date, precipitation, growing degree days and other factors influence the relationship between seeding rate and…
Study space heater claims carefully
MARSHFIELD, Mo. –Buyers trying to reduce winter heating costs should closely examine claims by manufacturers of infrared space heaters, said a University of Missouri Extension natural resource engineering specialist.“Portable box-style infrared heaters are being promoted heavily in stores and in advertisements,” said Bob Schultheis. Some manufacturer claims may be misleading.One claim is that these space heaters can slash heating…
Drone on the range
COLUMBIA, Mo. – For centuries, farmers have braved the elements to walk their land to check for problems ranging from wind damage and calving cows to pests and predators.Unmanned aerial vehicles may save farmers time and money with bird’s-eye views of farmland, says Bill Wiebold, University of Missouri Extension agronomy specialist. It opens up endless possibilities for precision agriculture, he said.

Bringing sunshine indoors
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Getting plants to grow and thrive indoors can be a challenge. Indoor light is often too low and of poor quality. A light garden can correct that. “A facility to grow plants under artificial light inside the home is a light garden,” said David Trinklein, horticulture specialist for University of Missouri Extension. “It can be used to grow tropical plants like African violets, but most often it is used for starting seeds…

Houseplants can't run away from home, so be nice to them
COLUMBIA, Mo. – You might love your houseplants, but our homes often do not provide the best environment for them to thrive.

Cucumbers: A cool slice of life
COLUMBIA, Mo. – It’s one of the most popular crops in the home garden. It’s 95 percent water, low in calories and an excellent source of vitamin K. It’s been grown in space and a mile underground.

Flowing grain: 'A farmer's worst nightmare'
COLUMBIA, Mo. – A wet fall harvest and a cold winter might make conditions especially dangerous for grain producers emptying grain bins to fulfill commodity contracts and prepare for wheat harvest. In 2010 there were a record 26 deaths nationwide due to grain bin accidents, according to U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration reports. And there were many more unreported “near misses,” say University of Missouri Extension…