Managing household mold

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri saw abundant rainfall in 2015. That’s often good news for crops but can be bad news for homes. Even if your home escaped serious flood damage, moisture seeping into your basement or condensing from humid air can create ideal sites for mold growth.

Alliums: Onion's pretty cousins

COLUMBIA, Mo. – While you’re familiar with onions, garlic, leeks and shallots, which are all members of the genus Allium, there’s a whole group in that genus that are known for their looks rather than their taste. They’re called ornamental onions or alliums. These striking members of the amaryllis family produce a long, leafless flowering stalk, or scape, topped with a ball-like bloom made up of a cluster of florets. In the garden,…

Test well water annually

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The human body is more than 70 percent water and it needs to be replenished every day. But how good is the water you’re drinking? If you have a private well, testing the water once a year is a good idea. “Mainly what we want to check for is E. coli bacteria,” says Bob Broz, University of Missouri Extension water quality specialist.

Botanical extreme sport: re-blooming poinsettia

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Every year Americans buy millions of poinsettias. But what do you do with all those plants after the holidays? Many people just throw them away, but there’s always those who wonder if they can be re-bloomed for next year. “It is quite a bit of work. However, it is a real botanical or horticultural challenge, and I would encourage everyone to accept the challenge at least one time,” said David Trinklein, horticulture…

Holiday foods: Safety tips for homemade and mail-order gifts

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Candy, jellies, cookies and more—some of the best holiday gifts come from our own kitchens, or from the kitchens of local specialty food companies. If you plan to send gifts of food to family and friends this holiday season, don’t take a chance on your food going to waste. Pack it safely, mark it clearly and be sure to notify the recipient when to expect delivery.

Holiday foods: Tips on storage and shelf life

KANSAS CITY, Mo. –  'Tis the season to receive delicious food gifts such as sausage, cheese, ham and other tasty items. If you receive a gift of food this holiday season, ensure quality and safety by following the storage guidelines listed below, says Londa Nwadike, food safety specialist for University of Missouri Extension and Kansas State University Research and Extension.

Cranberries: So much more than a Thanksgiving side dish

BUTLER, Mo. – Thanksgiving without cranberries — unthinkable! “We associate cranberries with Thanksgiving because they are actually harvested in the fall, so they became part of the holiday meal,” said Tammy Roberts, nutrition specialist for University of Missouri Extension.

Want daffodil, tulips and hyacinths in the spring? Plant them now

COLUMBIA, Mo. – If you think autumn is the time to pack up your gardening tools, think again. It’s bulb-planting time.

MU Extension expert recommends replacing older smoke detectors

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Even if you regularly check the batteries and test your home smoke detectors, you may not be alerted if a fire breaks out.Residential fires accounted for 83 percent of fire deaths in the United States during 2011-2013. Deaths are twice as high in homes without smoke alarms or with nonworking alarms, according to the National Fire Protection Association.

4-H camp counselor with Down syndrome brings humor and compassion to job

HANNIBAL, Mo. –Marissa Todd has Down syndrome, but that hasn’t stopped the Marion County high school senior from getting involved in her 4-H club, holding office or becoming a 4-H camp counselor.“I have Down syndrome,” she says. “This problem makes me a slow learner in a lot of things. I have to try things over and over until I get it. It just takes a long time…I just have to never give up.”

Helping picky eaters 'grow' into healthy eaters

KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – Picky eaters can turn every meal into a battle of wills. If it’s too green, too crunchy, too soft, too orange or just any vegetable, they will not eat it.The key to getting your picky eater to try new things isn’t wrestling at the dining table, but rather to take them outside. Teaching young children to grow a garden can make them more adventurous eaters.

Osher at Mizzou helps Columbia make Kiplinger’s top 10 list of great places to retire

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute makes Columbia one of the top 10 places to retire, according to the August 2015 edition of Kiplinger’s, a Washington, D.C.-based magazine of business forecasts and personal finance advice. Osher, part of University of Missouri Extension, complements Columbia’s institutions of higher learning with its noncredit programs for adults 50 and over.

Timing is key for nitrogen application on winter wheat

COLUMBIA, Mo.– With winter wheat coming closer to green-up, producers need to consider fertilizer management options. A University of Missouri Extension nutrient management specialist says proper timing of fertilizer application is important.

Cover crops can provide many benefits

COLUMBIA, Mo.– Having plant growth in fields year-round can improve the soil, according to Tim Reinbott, superintendent of the University of Missouri Bradford Research Center. He says using cover crops in the fall and spring can provide large benefits.“We have our grain crops in the summertime, but crops in the fall and spring are extremely important in helping soil health,” Reinbott said.

Location, timing critical for double-crop success

COLUMBIA, Mo.–Double-cropping soybeans after wheat provides the opportunity to harvest two crops in the same year from the same piece of land. But there are challenges and concerns with double-cropping, and a University of Missouri Extension agronomist says location is a big factor.

Practice good garden hygiene by sanitizing tools

COLUMBIA, Mo.– Just like surgeons and dentists, gardeners should work with clean tools.

Soil tests take the guesswork out of fertilizing your lawn and garden

COLUMBIA, Mo.– Many garden and home-improvement stores offer a seemingly endless selection of fertilizers. What’s the best choice for your lawn or garden? Only your soil knows for sure.

Tips for a healthy lawn

COLUMBIA, Mo.– Homeowners looking forward to a lush, green lawn this spring and summer should take care not to overdo it, says a University of Missouri Extension turfgrass specialist. That goes for mowing, fertilizing, watering and applying herbicides. Good lawn-care practices can have bad results if not done at the right time, at the right frequency and in the right amount, says Brad Fresenburg.

Pansy: A flower to welcome spring

COLUMBIA, Mo.–There is no more popular cool-season flower than the delicately fragranced pansy.

Hostas: Emperors of the Shade

COLUMBIA, Mo. —Few plants add more interest to shady areas than hostas.

Practice patience when preparing garden soil

COLUMBIA, Mo.– Spring is almost here, but gardeners shouldn’t be too quick to start working the soil, says a University of Missouri Extension horticulturist. Spring soil is easily damaged and compacted if worked too soon after melting snow or spring rains. Avoid walking on garden spots or, worse yet, driving equipment on it, said David Trinklein.

Container gardening: Thrillers, fillers and spillers

COLUMBIA, Mo.– If you’re yearning to grow flowers or vegetables but are short on space or have limited mobility, University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein suggests giving container gardenin

Get a jump on spring gardening

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Gardeners willing to put in a bit of effort can jump-start this year’s vegetable or flower garden by starting seeds indoors.

Winter weather and plant injury

Related radio news story by Debbie Johnson.KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – Road salt comes in handy when streets, sidewalks and driveways are slippery with ice. It’s not so handy when it splashes onto plants or soaks into the soil.

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