Beth Snyder: A childhood passion to a successful business

Beth SynderAs kids we often respond to the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" with answers like a princess, an astronaut, or superhero. The reality 20 years later is almost never the same. However, for Beth Snyder, that is not the case.

Dicamba labels and regulations

Following EPA and state pesticide labels and regulations is important for liability concerns. Most business general liability insurance coverages do not cover illegal activities. If the label is not followed, it may impact the coverage a business has for causing damage to another person’s property. To aid farmers and businesses in complying with pesticide regulations, educational information on EPA and state regulations are summarized…

Dicamba injury and insurance

Dicamba can harm neighboring plants, leading to third-party injury claims involving business liability insurance plans.

Third-party injury and federal crop insurance

Multi-peril crop insurance is overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Risk Management Agencies. For row crop producers, the most common multi-peril crop policies purchased are revenue protection and yield protection. Both of these insurance products use the insured farmer’s actual yields in determining the level of indemnity, if any, to be paid.

Professional liability insurance

Perhaps the best-known type of professional liability insurance is malpractice insurance carried by medical professionals. Professional liability insurance carried by other professionals, such as accountants and architects, is frequently called errors and omissions insurance. Professional liability insurance is intended to covers lawsuits arising from professional services.

Wantland tops 2019 state 4-H dairy judging contest

Lila Wantland judged herself to the top of the senior division of the Missouri State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. The contest was held Aug. 17 at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia. Wantland was the high individual in the intermediate division of the state contest in 2018.

Extension specialist offers tips to repair flood-damaged fields

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Lessons from past floods tell how to bring flooded fields back into production, says Kent Shannon, University of Missouri agricultural engineering specialist. Shannon says there are three stages to repairing flood-damaged fields. 1. Remove debris and sediment Burn plant material such as cornstalks and trees on the land where they were found. Bury ashes there also.

Water availability

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Impact of major weather events

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Wildlife population trends

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Five ways to help cows beat the summer heat

COLUMBIA, Mo. – As summer temperatures rise, dairy animals benefit from heat abatement, says Joe Zulovich, a University of Missouri Extension specialist in livestock housing systems.Lactating cows face the most risk from heat, says Zulovich. Dry cows and pre-weaned calves also fare better with heat abatement systems in place.Heat abatement systems are economically beneficial for dairy operations in hot, humid climates like Missouri’s…

Atrazine detects in surface water

Atrazine levels in Missouri surface water sometimes exceed EPA's 3 ppb limit but remain below harmful thresholds.

Farmer participation in conservation programs

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Precision ag tools

Discover how precision ag tools like sensors, drones, and GPS improve efficiency, cut costs, and boost yields for smarter farming.

Irrigation and water use efficiency

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Tillage practices

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Fertilizer usage and efficiency

Farmers are improving fertilizer efficiency, producing more crops per unit. Adoption of better nutrient management practices is increasing.

Chemical and pesticide use

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Biotechnology use and adoption of GE crops

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Cropping history

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Major land uses

Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report

Beat the heat from farm to fair with these tips

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Fair season and heat put three key groups at risk of heat stroke: livestock, their owners, and spectators. Timing and flexibility are critical when transporting animals to and from the fair, says Daniel Mallory, University of Missouri livestock field specialist. Take animals to the fair early in the morning when temperatures are cooler so animals remain cool while being transported and unloaded.

Clover Classic raises $48,000 for Missouri 4-H

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Golfers once again teed off in support of Missouri 4-H youth June 4 at the 10th annual Clover Classic Golf Tournament in Columbia. The event raised $48,000 for University of Missouri Extension’s 4-H Center for Youth Development. Presenting sponsors were The Climate Corp., a subsidiary of Bayer; and Great American Insurance-Crop Division.

Robinson’s Cleaners – Columbia, MO

Many entrepreneurs find that government contracting is an excellent way to ensure that their small business grows. But for Kit Price, co-owner of Robinson’s Cleaners in Columbia, Missouri, government contracting goes beyond expanding her company. To her, it has been part of the family business since Robinson’s Cleaners opened over sixty years ago.

On Target Solutions, Inc. – Belton, MO

Many business owners agree that government contracting is very different from the other markets that small businesses pursue. Even individuals who have experience with different aspects of contracting find that becoming a federal contractor can be daunting and confusing. 

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