
Now is the time to look for TCD symptoms

Although not detected in Missouri, TCD could easily get here on infested walnut wood used for woodworking or firewood from western or eastern states where TCD has been confirmed. Late July and early August is the best time to watch for possible symptoms of TCD. Look for areas where several walnut trees have leaves on upper branches that turn yellow, wilt, die and remain attached to twigs. New sprouts may grow from the trunk giving the tree a bushy appearance below dead branches. Similar symptoms may be due to other factors, such as recent drought. However, we encourage reports of suspicious trees after comparing your observations with the information and photos on the TCD signs and symptoms page.

To report trees with possible symptoms of TCD, contact your local forester, call the MDC forest pest hotline at 866-716-9974, or email photos to Photos should include the whole tree and its surroundings, the tree’s leaves, and close-ups of damage symptoms.