The following publications cover topics related to Labor Education Program. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Collective Bargaining 5: Bargaining Techniques


In this section, some of the major techniques and tactics relevant to the actual bargaining sessions with management are discussed. Visit our site today.

Collective Bargaining 3: Effective Negotiations, Background Information


Introduction Revised by Douglas Swanson, June 2022

Just Cause Basics


Revised by Douglas Swanson, June 2022
Original author: Paul Rainsberger, JD

Collective Bargaining 1: Historical Models of Collective Bargaining in the U.S.


Revised by Dr. Douglas Swanson, June 2022
Original author: Paul Rainsberger, JD

Collective Bargaining 4: The Bargaining Climate


Revised by Douglas Swanson, June 2022
Original author: Paul Rainsberger, JD

Contract Interpretation Standards


Revised by Douglas Swanson, June 2022
Original author: Paul Rainsberger, JD

Missouri Farm Labor Guide


Learn good human resource practices related to employee recruitment, hiring, onboarding, training and termination that your farm or agribusiness can use.

Population Trends in Missouri and Its Regions


Estimates show that between 2019 and 2020, Missouri grew by 0.2%, adding over 11,000 net new residents. The state grew at half the national growth rate (0.4%), but was largely consistent with many Midwestern and neighboring states. This population growth, however, has occurred unevenly throughout the state.

Economic Impact of Opioid Use Disorder in Missouri


The opiod crisis raises many concerns for the labor force. Learn about the direct employment impacts of opioid-related losses in labor force participation in several key industry sectors in Missouri and how they affect the broader economy in this report.

Federal Contracting Trends in Missouri


Examine how federal contracting is important in generating economic activity. This publication displays how most contract dollars go to a small number of large business, but there are still opportunities for a wide array of companies throughout Missouri.

Characteristics of Missouri’s Food, Agriculture and Forestry Workforce


Learn about employment, wage and training trends in Missouri's food, agriculture and forestry workforce. Plus, see what it will take to fill jobs in these industries.

Gross Domestic Product Trends in Missouri


U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis county-level measures of gross domestic product provide an important barometer to gauge the health of state, metropolitan and local economies. Read highlights of some of the key GDP trends for Missouri and its regions.

Missouri's Veterans: A Demographic and Workforce Overview


Mark C. White, University of Missouri

Kristin Arnette, Missouri Economic Research and Information Center

Alan Spell, Missouri Economic Research and Information Center

Collective Bargaining 2: Behavioral Factors Influencing Union Bargaining Power


Introduction Revised by Douglas Swanson, June 2022

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14