The following publications cover topics related to Early Childhood. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Healthy Eating on the Go handout (Bundle of 25)
This handout highlights different protein choices, reviews nutrients and fat provided, and provides tips for making lean protein choices and incorporating a variety of protein foods into a healthy diet.
Be An Active Family handout (Bundle of 25)
This handout addresses the importance of being physically active, reviews guidelines for physical activity for families and provides tips for ways to be more physically active and less sedentary.
Family Meals Handout (Bundle of 25)
Learn why family meals are important and how they help children develop healthy habits
Be An Active Family poster
This poster addresses the importance of being physically active, reviews guidelines for physical activity for families and provides tips for ways to be more physically active and less sedentary.
Family Meals Poster
Get tips for putting a healthy meal on the table in a short time, ideas for stocking the kitchen with quick-meal menu items, and involving children in meal preparation.
Creativity in Young Children
Positive Discipline and Child Guidance
Adults who care for kids have a responsibility to guide them toward good behaviors. Visit our site to learn about positive discipline and child guidance.
Activities for Helping Children Deal With Divorce
During a divorce, children often feel various conflicting emotions and need their parents’ understanding and support. Learn ways to support children and help them work through their feelings, concerns and frustrations about the divorce in this University
Stress Management and the Challenge of Balance
If you think you don't have satisfactory balance in your life, you're not alone. One of the most stressful parts of life is balancing work and family. Stress is often the unhealthy result of those efforts.
Communicating Effectively With Children
The best parent-child relationships are characterized by positive communication. Visit our site to learn about communicating effectively with children.
Helping Infants and Toddlers Adjust to Divorce
Parental divorce can negatively affect a child's development. Visit our website today to learn about helping infants and toddlers adjust to divorce.