
What would you do if nearly 2,500 people showed up for an art exhibit in your small county office?

Sara Spratley's painting placed first among fifth graders in the Youth Farm Animal Art Show.

Celebrate! says Kristi Baker, MU Extension county engagement specialist in 4-H youth development in Stoddard County.

The MU Youth Farm Animal Art Show reception and awards presentation was planned for March 24 at the extension center in the Stoddard County courthouse. Then MU Extension ended face-to-face events and programs to help slow the spread of COVID-19. With more than 200 contest entries from Stoddard County schools already judged, Baker decided to continue with the reception and awards via the MU Extension in Stoddard County Facebook page.

“We had 1,514 engagements, 282 comments, 35 share—for a total of about 2,400 views,” Baker said. “By going live on Facebook, more people were able to see and participate in this exhibit. This was an amazing response from the community!”

Photo: Sara Spratley's painting of a dog placed first among entries by fifth graders in the Youth Farm Animal Art Show hosted by MU Extension in Stoddard County.