
Grain engulfment rescue training unitGrain Engulfment Rescue Training Unit

As part of the U.S. grain belt, Missouri has a high percentage of agriculture activity associated with grain production. Grain storage and the activities around and within the grain bins have the potential for entrapment that can result in serious injury or death. As revealed in a 2010 study by Purdue University, the quantities of grain entrapments increased by 22.5% in 2009 over the previous five-year average. Other existing data shows that 61% of grain bin incidents occur at farm facilities which are exempt from OSHA inspections. Research shows the majority of the local rural fire departments responding to grain entrapment rescues are not adequately prepared with necessary training and equipment to safely and effectively perform at these types of emergencies.

To meet the growing need for grain engulfment rescue training, the University of Missouri Fire and Rescue Training Institute (MU FRTI) has initiated a state-wide accessible training program to train fire and emergency service responders to respond to and safely handle grain entrapments and engulfments. This course on grain engulfment rescue educates Missouri emergency responders on the hazards associated with grain bins and grain entrapments, and provides the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to safely perform a basic grain engulfment rescue utilizing available resources.

The training incorporates a new mobile grain engulfment rescue simulator. The mobile unit provides students with the opportunity to apply skills acquired in a classroom in realistic hands-on training scenarios utilizing a grain hopper, grain bin, and a cut panel station. The simulator was acquired through the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security/FEMA’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program funding.

MU FRTI recognizes the need for specialized grain engulfment rescue training. By implementing a training program to address this training need, the Institute is holding true to its mission to deliver quality fire and emergency response training programs to meet the occupational needs of the state’s emergency responders.

To discuss training opportunities and/or schedule this course, please contact your local MU FRTI Regional Training Coordinator or call the main MU FRTI office at 800-869-3476 or 573-882-4735.