Linda GeistHANNIBAL, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension will hold a Specialty Crop Block Grant workshop 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12, in Hannibal
MU Extension specialist Sherry Nelson said participants would learn how to write a grant to potentially fund scaled-up production for specialty crops. This workshop will help them learn how to increase the number of vegetables and fruits to meet market demands and increase profits. Specialty crops include fruits, vegetables, nuts, flowers and other products.
The $15 fee includes materials and a light lunch. Participants must RSVP at 573-769-2177 or nelsons@missouri.edu to reserve lunch. You may also contact MU Extension horticulturist Debi Kelly at 636-797-5391 or kellyd@missouri.edu.
The event will be held at Homebank of Hannibal, 3817 McMasters Ave.