Chert Glades Master Naturalist Chapter
Missouri Master Naturalist™ is a community based natural resource education and volunteer program. Its purpose is to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities for the State of Missouri.
To become a Master Naturalist, you will receive training and contribute volunteer service. Once accepted into the program you will receive 40 hours of training in Missouri ecosystems, including ecology and resource management and more. We provide experts in the field taught as trainers to give you the best information possible. This includes training in a classroom setting as well as out in the field.
Advanced training
There will be opportunities for advanced training from experts in a subject of your choosing. You might focus on native plant or bird identification, learn how to restore prairies or monitor water quality, or you might choose to learn more about teaching conservation education to others. Master Naturalists are expected to complete 8 hours of advanced training annually.
You will have the opportunity to contribute 40 hours of service in natural resource conservation in projects that meet local conservation needs and that you help design. Service possibilities include assisting with plant and animal surveys, natural community restoration and demonstration, native plant gardens, participating in a speakers bureau, giving school programs, assisting with outdoor skills training, and more.
Once you have received your training and completed your service, you will become a certified Master Naturalist™. Each year following, you will complete eight hours of additional advanced training and contribute 40 hours of service to maintain your certification.
Where do I sign up?
Contact University of Missouri Extension at 417-358-2158 or Missouri Department of Conservation:
- Jeff Cantrell, 417-451-4158
- Kevin Badgley, 417-629-3423
Chert Glades Master Naturalists meet at 5:30 p.m. on the second Monday of the month, at the Walter Woods Conservation Area in Joplin, Missouri.