Suppression and firefighter safety training : publication
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Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase in print or as an e-book.
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This workbook is for the student to review the material in each chapter, to support classroom and online instruction. It is ideal for homework assignments. The workbook includes more than 3,000 questions and activities covering all 27 chapters of Essentials 7.
This Exam Prep is a self-study tool for students to prepare for end of course tests and the written portion of a certification exam.
This all new seventh edition Essentials of Fire Fighting manual meets all of the NFPA 1001, 2019 JPRs and is the complete source for firefighter recruit and refresher training.
Save when you purchase the Essentials of Fire Fighting, Seventh Edition Manual and Course Workbook Package.
Save when you purchase the Essentials of Fire Fighting, Seventh Edition Manual and Exam Prep Package.
IFSTA’s E7 Skills Video Series demonstrates and reinforces all of the Fire Fighter I, Fire Fighter II, and Hazardous Materials skills presented in Essentials of Fire Fighting, Seventh Edition.
This curriculum covers all 10 chapters of the Fire and Emergency Services Orientation and Terminology, Seventh Edition Manual. It equips fire and emergency services instructors with valuable resources that are easy to customize and are up to date on all the latest practices.
This manual acquaints new firefighters and fire science students with the history, traditions, terminology, organization, and operation of the fire and emergency services. It also contains descriptions of fire service organizations, operational roles, and career paths.
This manual acquaints new firefighters with the history, traditions, terminology, organization, and operation of the fire and emergency services. It also contains an extensive fire and emergency services glossary and typical job and operation descriptions that should provide insight into the inner…
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase as an e-book.
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This manual prepares aspiring and current incident safety officers (ISOs) to meet and exceed the specific job requirements outlined in Chapter 5 of NFPA 1521: Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Professional Qualifications, 2020 Edition.
This curriculum covers all nine chapters of the Fire Protection, Detection, and Suppression Systems, Fifth Edition Manual. All the tools an instructor needs to deliver a course with successful outcomes for today’s students are provided in this comprehensive package.
The purpose of this manual is to familiarize fire service members and other interested personnel with the components, design, maintenance, operation, testing and inspection of common fire protection, detection and suppression systems. The scope of this manual is to provide up-to-date information on…
This curriculum equips instructors with valuable resources that are easy to customize and are up to date on all the latest practices in fire service hydraulics and water supply.
This manual covers the basics of water and water flow, theoretical and practical methods of determining water flow and pressure loss, types of pumps and fire apparatus used to move water, relay pumping operations, fire pump testing, and effectively supplying sprinkler and standpipe systems. It also…
This curriculum covers all nine chapters of Introduction to Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response, First Edition. The components are designed for use in traditional face-to-face and hybrid classroom environments.
This manual defines how to establish an ASHER training program on the local level, how to conduct threat assessment of your community, how to coordinate response with other responders, and how to recover from an ASHE. It is the only fire service training manual available on this topic.
This curriculum covers all eight chapters of the Live Fire Instructor, First Edition manual. The components are designed for use in traditional face-to-face and hybrid classroom environments.
This manual serves as a structured template for instructors tasked with the responsibility of facilitating live fire training. Live fire training requires instructors strictly follow guidelines and mandates due to the potential of injury or death among participants. This manual has been constructed…
This manual provides a definitive guide on how to ensure safe and realistic live fire training for both students and instructors. It addresses all the requirements for NFPA 1403, Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions, 2018 Edition.
This manual prepares firefighters and emergency responders to meet the Marine Fire Fighter I and Marine Fire Fighter II training and certification requirements of NFPA 1005 – 2007 Edition. It provides the training, knowledge, technical information, and reference materials necessary for the safe and…
This comprehensive and easy-to-customize IFSTA curriculum covers the material in the Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Firefighters, Third Edition Manual. It includes includes plan of instruction and syllabus templates, lesson outlines and PowerPoint presentations, skill sheets, chapter tests in…
The purpose of this manual is to provide land-based (shoreside) fire service personnel with the training, knowledge, technical information, and reference materials necessary for the safe and effective management of marine fire incidents. The content of this manual is written to meet the job…
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase on a USB flash drive.
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Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase in print or as an e-book.
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This curriculum covers the material presented in the Rapid Intervention Teams, Second Edition Manual. It comprises comprehensive and easy-to-customize IFSTA lesson outlines and PowerPoint presentations.
This manual presents the purpose of a rapid intervention team (RIT) program and how to implement one in an emergency response organization. It serves as a guide to the regulations and standards that apply to RIT including information from NFPA 1407 related to training and operational concepts.
The Structural Fire Fighting Series comprises the second edition of three manuals: Initial Response Strategy and Tactics, Truck Company Skills and Tactics, and High-Rise Fire Fighting.
This curriculum covers all 14 chapters of the Structural Fire Fighting: Initial Response Strategy and Tactics, Second Edition Manual. The components are designed for use in traditional face-to-face and hybrid classroom environments.
This manual provides strategy and tactics for the incident commander arriving at structure fire incidents using the available responding resources. Learn to assess the fire situation, initiate a command structure, and deploy resources until the transfer of command or termination of the incident.
This manual prepares the reader to serve as the incident commander who must evaluate an incident, assign resources and coordinate the incident plan. It encompasses decision-making during emergency response, especially initial decisions upon arrival, and incident planning.
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase in print or as an e-book.
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