his course is designed for individuals who are new to operating a pumper, anticipate future promotion to that position or are preparing to sit for the State of Missouri driver/operator pumper certification exam. In this class, students will build on the knowledge and experience received in the driver/operator core class, discuss duties and responsibilities of the pumper operator, pump maintenance, and pump operation. Participants will operate an apparatus with a fire pump in various situations and have an opportunity to complete their certification skill sheets.

Special requirements

  • NFPA 1971 compliant firefighting ensemble, including turnout pants, coat, boots, helmet, gloves, and eye protection



Host: Sunrise Beach Fire Protection District 30 Porter Mill Spring Road Sunrise Beach MO

Contact: Rob Odenwald at 573-374-4411 or rodenwald@sbfpd.org

Sessions:  October 22-23 and November 4-6, 2024  08:00-17:00 all days


Partners: Missouri Division of Fire Safety


Funding provided by the Division of Fire Safety (DFS) and the Missouri Fire Safety Education / Advisory Commission. State Funding sources include the DFS General Revenue (GR) Fire Training Fund and Fire Education Fund.